

Non-Packaged Services

If you’re looking for a quick, dirt cheap website, our services are not for you.   We deliver outstanding service which has a value. We charge a flat rate of $60 per hour for all design, development, maintenance, updates and support. For our Unlimited  and non-Packaged services we prefer to work on projects which take a minimum of 20 hours to complete so a ballpark figure is around $1,200, while for Facebook pages and Email templates we aim for a minimum of 6 hours, so around $360. Though in any case, the total number of hours varies depending on the size of the project and the number of revisions or additions you make during the design process. We provide you with an initial estimate after the first consultation and deliver regular progress reports so you know exactly how much time is being spent.

A 25% discount on the hourly rate is available for the first 30-44 days to VIP Members.