
The GOODista – RSS MailChimp Template

General Testimonials

When I began working with Brad it was the first time I had outsourced anything for my blog. I came to a point though where my tech knowledge was insufficient to create what I wanted, and that’s where Brad came in. Not only was he extremely professional and helpful, he also possessed expertise in the exact area I needed - RSS driven templates. Brad worked with me to design a template that I loved, and then did custom coding so that I could truly have an email template I believed would have the greatest impact on my business. I really believe that my new RSS template is going to help offer even more value for my readers and clients than I could have imagined. Brad was able to easily and professionally navigate the various difficulties of my custom project, and was always extremely open to my feedback, ensuring I was happy with the result. His communication has been kind and always prompt. Without a doubt I would seek Brad out again for any future projects.

Jen Steinbach
Head Chef
The Chefscapades

Perfect. Very open minded and excellent designer. Offers ideas to help and someone I can always trust. excellent work.

Yuval R
Sixstar Coaching & Mentoring

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Project Decscription

The Project:

Design and code a RSS Driven MailChimp Template; Anna wanted to make her latest blog posts more accessible to her mailing list subscribers and like most she was using one of MailChimp’s basic RSS templates, however she felt this template wasn’t of a professional enough standard.

I designed Anna a brand new layout then coded it as a RSS driven MailChimp template. Anna also wanted a method of exposing her subscribers to her older posts so I programmed a custom WordPress RSS feed to do just that, complete with a custom thumbnail image size. So her new template draws different content from two different feeds generated by her website.

The Client:

After a 20+ year career in the UN and Human Resources, Anna has become a fitness foodie, mindful of lifestyle change and an energetic lively person. She started a business to inspire others to find wellness again. Through her blog she shares why she stopped dieting, and fitness fads and started using real life inspiration instead of books, DVDs, beauty products, supplements, Internet, etc.

She educates her subscribers how they can improve their wellbeing through a simple of smaller lifestyle changes.

Project Details

  • Client: Anna Cope
  • Date: 2015-03-27
  • Tags:
  • Skills: HTML Email,CSS,Image Slicing and Optimization,RSS Feed Programming
  • Project: